Interested in learning what each section of your tracking page means? Take a look below for more information!
Estimated delivery date
- The estimated delivery date can be found in the upper left-hand corner of your tracking page. This date is determined by the average transit time for packages shipped from the retailer to your country.
- Last mile delivery partner tracking ID
- Your local carrier tracking information will be located below the estimated delivery date in the section titled 'Your Local Delivery.' This is where you can find information about which carrier will be delivering your package and which tracking ID they will be using. If you click the hyperlinked tracking ID in this section, it will direct you to the carrier's tracking page. If this information is not available, please feel free to reach out to support, and we will do our best to provide more information.
Shipping updates via email
- This section is located below the local delivery section. By entering your email in this section, you can subscribe to tracking updates when your package crosses any major milestones.
- Shipping activities
- This information can be found in the center of your tracking page, within the 'Current Status' section. These tracking updates populate in real time as scans are made to your package during the delivery process. The information is pulled directly from the US and last-mile carriers (e.g., FedEx, USPS, AU Post, CA Post). The most recent update to your order will be located at the top of this section.
Retailer information
This section is located on the upper right-hand side of your tracking page and contains additional information and promotions from the retailer.
Customer support
- On the bottom right-hand side of your tracking page, you will see a red 'NEED HELP' button. You can use this button to reach out to our support team if you have any questions regarding your package.
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